Ziah Fogel from Pixar was here today, she spooke about their latest production Ratatouille. It was very interesting to meet this giant, and to hear all about their production line, all the way from first idea and brainstorming, to finished products. Reason why it took so long before I told you about it was because I had some problems getting pictures from the lecture. But now I got them, and here they are.. Ziah and her rat!

Woah you managed to get a visit from Pixar. Amzing, however did you accomplish that.
What was it like meeting someone like that up close.
Sweet photos, it's always great to see and listen to someone from such a great company.
Ratatouille was a good movie, and to be able to learn from Pixar about how they did it is a great experience.
Glad you enjoyed it!
i love ratatouille ^^
and also cool that pixar visited your (can't find the word)
and cool photo's ^do you have more(6)
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