August 30, 2007


Alright, Lowe was here today and talked alot about advertising on the web. Was very interesting and fun to listen to. After that we had our interview with KING Solution, was great to be there, se their place and talk to them, our videocamera ran out of battery so we had to use our digi cam only and write down his answers, wich Daniel did fast as the wind. We got a whole new point of view of the business and heard so diferent things but still similar to what we heard before.

We decided to take the rest of the day of cause of some personal stuff people had to take care of and pick up our project again tomorrow. All but David headed back to school for some blogging and try to figure out what Daniel had wrote during the interview, Niclas was gonna start see if he could solve the problem with the vide camera transfer to a mac. Let's pray that he solves it.

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