Once you solve a problem, you can be sure that it will generate atleast 2 new ones. But it moves in the right direction. We got the sencors working as they should, (atleast for now, who knows what tomorrow will bring). So what's up next? We gotta get some propper movie clips for our animations, what we got now is very very alpha, the only purpose with the animation we have now is so we can have a visual of what's happening.
We also gotta work with the masking alot.. we can mask one color, but since we can't expect the users to wear one color only clothes we gotta do something about that.
Tomorrow is also
Resumébar, wich means less work with the project and more time prepearing everything so we are fit for fight when all guests arrive.
I'm off kinda early today, since my dear mother is in town so I'm going to meet up with her. She got some stuff with her that I need so a boy gotta do what a boy gotta do.
Before I leave for the day I've spent my day working with our animation, or more true is that I've mixtured with it. I did also spend some time looking for some errors in our flash, but Lars solved it before I'd even sat myself into the code, (was the first time I read it).
So what else have I done in the project. I've made all graphic work so far. That is pretty much the stage and the "touch links", made in photoshop. That took about 2 days to get an acceptable stage ready with all depth illusions and proportions needed to give a pretty real look.
The stage itself is made in layers with patterns and some low opacity color overlay, took alot of google work to find a good picture of a stage so I could see what it realy looked like and try to get that style on my own stage. The curtains are from a photosite, enlarged, and some color changing and an additional shadow to make the depth come true even more.
The stage background is also made with patterns, opacity and sice changing, together with some perspective changing and some warping. So it's actually two pictures, fliped horizontaly, and then merged together. I first tried with a darker background, but that didn't work, it looked to dark and to "scarry" and not what we were after, we wanted something lighter and more fun.
Anyways, I'm glad that my stage was liked by the whole group, so now we got our background and our "touch links" made. you can see the result down here.