Sunday today, was YKKY releaseparty yesterday, and to be honest, it was a disapointment. Or, that might be kinda rough to say but we all agreed that we had imagined something else then what we got. A realy small room, with two tables with magazines, and that's about it. Pay for the bear and no one greeted us. I know it's mean to judge and say that it was bad, so I'm not, I just say that I did expect something else, bigger, more amazing, that's all. So we went on to Karmen instead and had a realy nice evening together.
And for our project in school, well, it moves on in the right direction, but it moves realy slow, and we do have alot of disagreement in our group. It's nothing personal or anything, it's just that we got many strong wills and thoughts of how things should and could be done. We are working on it tho, so hopefuly we'll have sorted this things out monday at lunch and if we havn't, we will have some stress to deal with.
Also counting down now. Last september today, first october tomorrow, means that it's 4 days left til Resumé Bar, some more planing to do, and we got a lot of name tags to create tomorrow, well, looks like there will be a long day :)
September 30, 2007
September 26, 2007
Does anyone know how to create a webcam application with motion detection? Cause that's what's we are googleing for right now, finding some tutorials, none very good tho, but we keep on trying to get it to work. We also found some flash based games with motion detection, but no source codes. Mailed Daniel, our flash "guru" and asked for help, waiting for an answer, this project have started kinda chaotic but extremly fun, just as it should be!
Johan is still sick, and no sign of Nicolas so far, wonder where he could be... ZZzzz ZZzzz. Anyways, the world moves on as it should, we keep on spining nice and slow.
We have a meeting today about Resumé bar, wich by the way, is something you can read about at Resume's website, all in swedish tho, but for those of you who understand this, check in their right sidebar, and look for the Hyper Island motion, click it and you'll get all information needed for this event.
We also gotta bring up some things about the YKKY release party, they want a list for our closed company for a reason I don't know. And we also gotta start nagging both the Digital Media class and the Interactive Art Directors, about some payment for our student group so we get enough members and can access stockholm student apartments, it's getting kinda urgent since some students still don't have a place to live, or, atleast not in stockholm.
Johan is still sick, and no sign of Nicolas so far, wonder where he could be... ZZzzz ZZzzz. Anyways, the world moves on as it should, we keep on spining nice and slow.
We have a meeting today about Resumé bar, wich by the way, is something you can read about at Resume's website, all in swedish tho, but for those of you who understand this, check in their right sidebar, and look for the Hyper Island motion, click it and you'll get all information needed for this event.
We also gotta bring up some things about the YKKY release party, they want a list for our closed company for a reason I don't know. And we also gotta start nagging both the Digital Media class and the Interactive Art Directors, about some payment for our student group so we get enough members and can access stockholm student apartments, it's getting kinda urgent since some students still don't have a place to live, or, atleast not in stockholm.
September 24, 2007
Experience technology begins
A new project is born, it's time for the inventors to step forward. Experience technology, in groups of 4-5 members given a certain technology we are suposed to create and build a new experience. First week we got no information, just alot of lectures about technology, user experience, interactive design and other similar topics.
It was a very interesting week, alot of knowledge and "aha" experience to take in. A code mod day, where we were suposed to take an application very similar to the jazz-ball game, and re-write the java code so we got something else. It was very useful and I realy got to take a good look at the code, how to structure it and that it's easier then I actually imagined. Still hard, but not that impossible that I've imagined before I tried it.
At the end of the week we got our first group task, to greate a group blog for this very project. You can find our group blog here. all written in english so everyone can understand it. We chose the easy way and used wordpress when creating our blog. Anyways, this is where you can follow our progress and read both our personal toughts aswell as our group thoughts.
It was a very interesting week, alot of knowledge and "aha" experience to take in. A code mod day, where we were suposed to take an application very similar to the jazz-ball game, and re-write the java code so we got something else. It was very useful and I realy got to take a good look at the code, how to structure it and that it's easier then I actually imagined. Still hard, but not that impossible that I've imagined before I tried it.
At the end of the week we got our first group task, to greate a group blog for this very project. You can find our group blog here. all written in english so everyone can understand it. We chose the easy way and used wordpress when creating our blog. Anyways, this is where you can follow our progress and read both our personal toughts aswell as our group thoughts.
Long time, no see
Alright, I havn't realy done my job here. I've got alot to do and when I finaly had some time on my own, I've been way to tired to write anything in here. Anyways, a short brief on what's been going on the last two and a half weeks or something like that.
Motion week,
Was very interesting, got 2 interesting tasks, a group task and one individual task. First out was our group task, to create a 30second long motion using either Flash or After Effects (or both) containing only 1 kind of shape. Our group got triangles so we created "our Big Bang theori".
It was a stresful and chaotic project with so many wills and not very much time to make them all come true. We still managet to pull it all together pretty well.
The Process
We started of with a meeting, deciding what we wanted to do, shared our ideas and draw a storyboard so everyone could follow what we were talking about. We did pretty fast decied what coulors we wanted to have, a spacey and kinda druged theme on the colors. Shining blue, pink, purple, red, green, orange and so on.
We realy had our hands full of stuff all the time, all from doing each movieclip to editing the music and manage to pull it all together in a nice way. The problems we had was our symbols, since we didn't name our symbols, they automaticaly named themselves "symbol1" and so on, so we all had symbols with the same name. And that kinda killed eachother. So we had to put it all together in after effects, working our way around the problem.
There was some emotions during this process, since some in our group had very diferent ideas on how this was suposed to be done. And we even got some real anger and an uppsesed person when he got voted down because of our lack of skills in flash/after effects.
Anyways, we managed to pull it all together and we displayed our project for the rest of the class and our examinator and got some good feedback, so no hard feelings afterwards. We could all breath out, go home and prepeare for our next task, our individual showreel.
View the whole video here (click on the image to start the movie, right-click and chose "save as")
Note that it can take some time to load the movie.
Ok, so after that we started to work on our own 15seconds showreel or motionreel or just any reel actually, about ourselves. For this project, we got exactly 24hours, so panic panic panci, to sum it all up.
View my personal showreel here (click on the image to start the movie, option, right-click and chose "save as")
Note that it can take some time to load the movie.
Motion week,
Was very interesting, got 2 interesting tasks, a group task and one individual task. First out was our group task, to create a 30second long motion using either Flash or After Effects (or both) containing only 1 kind of shape. Our group got triangles so we created "our Big Bang theori".
It was a stresful and chaotic project with so many wills and not very much time to make them all come true. We still managet to pull it all together pretty well.
The Process
We started of with a meeting, deciding what we wanted to do, shared our ideas and draw a storyboard so everyone could follow what we were talking about. We did pretty fast decied what coulors we wanted to have, a spacey and kinda druged theme on the colors. Shining blue, pink, purple, red, green, orange and so on.
We realy had our hands full of stuff all the time, all from doing each movieclip to editing the music and manage to pull it all together in a nice way. The problems we had was our symbols, since we didn't name our symbols, they automaticaly named themselves "symbol1" and so on, so we all had symbols with the same name. And that kinda killed eachother. So we had to put it all together in after effects, working our way around the problem.
There was some emotions during this process, since some in our group had very diferent ideas on how this was suposed to be done. And we even got some real anger and an uppsesed person when he got voted down because of our lack of skills in flash/after effects.
Anyways, we managed to pull it all together and we displayed our project for the rest of the class and our examinator and got some good feedback, so no hard feelings afterwards. We could all breath out, go home and prepeare for our next task, our individual showreel.
View the whole video here (click on the image to start the movie, right-click and chose "save as")
Note that it can take some time to load the movie.
Ok, so after that we started to work on our own 15seconds showreel or motionreel or just any reel actually, about ourselves. For this project, we got exactly 24hours, so panic panic panci, to sum it all up.
View my personal showreel here (click on the image to start the movie, option, right-click and chose "save as")
Note that it can take some time to load the movie.
September 7, 2007
The tree is ready
Yesterday we had a group evaluation. Back to UGL in other words, sitting down in our project groups talking about the project, what went good and bad, why, how did I feel and stuff like that. After that we got started for real with our bransch tree. We got our design ready and started with the heavy stuff, css, databases and some php. It felt like we got almost nothing done even tho we worked for hours.
Today was all about catching the deadline before it caought us. A lot of hard work, some missunderstandings we managed to pull it all together (more or less) and were able to mail in our url like 5 minutes before deadline. PUH! You can view the result at TheTree.
Today was all about catching the deadline before it caought us. A lot of hard work, some missunderstandings we managed to pull it all together (more or less) and were able to mail in our url like 5 minutes before deadline. PUH! You can view the result at TheTree.
September 5, 2007
Presentation day
Deadline passed yesterday, today was time for our presentation infront of the rest of the class and our co-operators. It went realy well, we presented our video and got some nice feedback. Was a lot of creativity in the class, I was happy to see that. Ok some work was done in PowerPoint but that's ok, we know different stuff and are used to different things. Best part was that each group had put a lot of effort in their research and creating their presentation in a way that should be as informative and fun as possible. "Be interested, but don't get filled with our stuff, we want you to wanna find out more about these countries/citys that we researched about".
Was a long day, I got the Project Managing roll for our final part of the project, to put all our information together into a bransch map and get it up on the web. So something additional to do as a side kick for 2 days. But I'm pretty sure we'll manage to pull it all together, I got a great time to work with on this so I'm very happy with it, and don't mind at all to put in some extra hours/work to pull this whole thing together.
Was a long day, I got the Project Managing roll for our final part of the project, to put all our information together into a bransch map and get it up on the web. So something additional to do as a side kick for 2 days. But I'm pretty sure we'll manage to pull it all together, I got a great time to work with on this so I'm very happy with it, and don't mind at all to put in some extra hours/work to pull this whole thing together.
September 4, 2007
Another After Effects day and deadline
Last day for the project, and some more After Effect work to do. As I just said, it was our deadline today, so alot of stress with everything, putting all together, get everything to work together, video, photos, music, effects. A lot of work, but we finaly managed to pull it all together pretty well. We are happy to "eat our own dog food".
I also spent alot of time in After Effects today, working on a 3D rotation, went realy good, kinda got the hang of the program now. Not a big questionmark anymore. Felt good and we managed to hold the deadline, even tho we had to turn in our project on a dvd since it was 1,2gb big and would have taken all night to upload to the server.
I also spent alot of time in After Effects today, working on a 3D rotation, went realy good, kinda got the hang of the program now. Not a big questionmark anymore. Felt good and we managed to hold the deadline, even tho we had to turn in our project on a dvd since it was 1,2gb big and would have taken all night to upload to the server.
September 3, 2007
After Effects day
A couple of meetings some cutting, photo editing and a lot of After Effects work, me and Axel sat with a After Effects tutorial most of the day, trying to learn how to create a light animation, went realy well and we got a pretty big idea of how it all worked depending on what changes we made. Got all the video cutting done aswell, so all that's left tomorrow is to match up the video with our effects and photos and then we are set.
Spent a few minutes to brief the group about the report aswell, and we filled in some common areas so we could make sure everyone agreed on some points, no hard feelings here, lucky for us :)
Spent a few minutes to brief the group about the report aswell, and we filled in some common areas so we could make sure everyone agreed on some points, no hard feelings here, lucky for us :)

September 2, 2007
Ottoboni Group, last interview
It's sunday now, but 2 days ago, friday the 31:th we had our last interview with Ottoboni Group in Gamla Stan, Stockolm. We met a guy called Daniel that talked with us about their point of view of the business. It was very interesting and by far the most human place we had been to, atleast for me. It was very bright and nice, calm and quiet and alot of people wanted to talk to us and say hi.
After that we headed back to school, had a couple of meetings, to talk about the rest of the process now when we had our material. I sat down and wrote the first part of the report, and David, Daniel and Axel went out to shoot the "dog" part of the presentation. Nicklas sat down and started to cut our material into something that we actually could presentate for the rest of the class, "eating your own dog food".
After that we headed back to school, had a couple of meetings, to talk about the rest of the process now when we had our material. I sat down and wrote the first part of the report, and David, Daniel and Axel went out to shoot the "dog" part of the presentation. Nicklas sat down and started to cut our material into something that we actually could presentate for the rest of the class, "eating your own dog food".
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