I know it's been a long times since my last post, but I promise, I havn't forgot about you. The last couple of weeks have been very hasty and I havn't had a single minute to just sit down and tell about it.
I've been working on a 5 week long specialization about design and concept together with two other students here at Hyper Island. Working with sharp cases and real clients giving us a more then fair challange.
We choose to go extremley analog in the first phase of this project, since we wanted to brand our client as an "hand made" and "uniqe" company. Why? The reason for this is pretty simple. The company design one pice collections, making stage clothes for artists and other people with colorful personalities. So what makes them uniqe is that they handpaint each piece, so no piece looks like another.
Anyways, to get the handmade feeling that we were after, we started of by breaking the school budget and purchasing material for many hundred swedish crowns. mostly clay, but also other material that you need to build a physical model.
Now the company name is Rosegarden, so ofcorse, we wanted to create rosegarden.. the bright and romantic side of rock'n roll.
Our way to success..
As you can see, we had quite a lot to do, but I'll also tell you this.. We all agreed that this was one of the most fun projects any of us had ever done.
Our client was very happy with us so we are now working on completing everything,
Click here to view the current result